How to zap liquidity
When creating candy liquidity, there are three tokens involved; $Candy, the second (non-$Candy) token in the pair , and the combined liquidity token. When creating liquidity the two tokens in the pair are sold to create a Liquidity Pool (LP) token of the two principal tokens. In order to Zap into a candy token pair the non-$Candy token of the pair must be used.
Connect your wallet.
Press the Connect softkey. The Connect Wallet page will load.
Select the softkey for the wallet you want to connect with. The Wallet Connect page will load.
Press the Connect softkey. The page will reload with the wallet softkey.
Press the Trade softkey on the bottom left.The trade popup will load.
Press the Liquidity softkey. The Your Liquidity page will load.
Press the + Add Liquidity softkey. The Add Liquidity page will load.
Press the setting symbol (the gear). The Settings page will load.
Press the Zap switch to turn it on. The switch will turn green.
Press the exit softkey. The zap panel will close.
Press the token drop down arrows. The list of available tokens will load.
Select one token for each of the drop downs you want to use to create an LP.
Press the Exit icon. The Select a Token page will close.
Press the Add Liquidity softkey. The Pair-LP page will load.
Use a non-$Candy token to create liquidity when zapping for a LP using $Candy.
Press the green check mark for the token you do not want to use. The green check mark beside it will disappear.
Enter the amount of the tokens you want to use to zap.
Press the Supply softkey. The You Will Receive will load.
Press the Confirm Supply softkey. The Waiting For Confirmation pop-up will load.
Press the Confirm Supply softkey. The Approval pop-up will load.
Press Confirm to approve the transaction.
Wait for the Transaction Submitted pop up to load.
Press the Close softkey. The pop up will close.
Press the Earn softkey. The Earn options will load.
Press the Farms softkey. The available farms page will load.
Press the Details softkey to select the Farm that the LP is created for.
Press the Enable softkey. The approval page will load.
Press the Confirm softkey. The farm will be accessible.
Press the Stake LP softkey. The Stake LP Tokens page will load.
Enter the amount of the paired LP token to stake.
Press the Confirm softkey. The approval page will load.
Press the Confirm softkey.
Wait for the Confirmation messages.
A confirmed Staked message will appear. The staked amount will show in the LP token.